Born in Munich 1972.She studied history of art in Munich and went to get a degree in photo design. From 1996 to 1998 she worked as a freelance photo assistant for several photographers. Till 1998 she worked as a freelance photographer for magazines like tank, Cream, Hint, Sz-Magazine, Marie-Claire etc. and various advertising clients like Hypo Vereinsbank, Nivea, Compaq, Burger King, etc. Awards: • 3.Triennale der Photographie/2005 /Kunsthaus Hamburg "the nature of skin"• European award for women photographers 2003/2004 PLACES OF LIVE • Cresta Award 2002 / Winner• Golden Award of Montreux• New York Festival / Finalist• London international Advertising Award / Winner• Eurobest Epica / Finalist
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